Last blog of the month, so expect the usual here ...
Coronation Street: I have to hand it to Phil Collinson. He really managed to come up with an affair even less convincing and compelling that Kevin/Molly with Sunita/Karl and the fallout of this tryst has been oddly amusing to watch. It's amazing how much of a bitch that Sunita has been reduced to as a character but perhaps I would feel far worse for Dev and Stella if I actually their characters, which I really don't. Elsewhere, Ryan returned in a fitter body with a complete character transplant, Izzy miscarried, Roy and Mary became chess partners, there was a pointlessly brief rivalry between Steve and Lloyd, Leanne got Simon as Carla and Peter left, Rob came to take over the factory and Kirsty struck out at Tyrone again. At least her storyline managed to be interesting, the rest not as much.
EastEnders: Even if you're a perpetual loser in life (otherwise known as the Billy Mitchell syndrome), every now and then, you might get a moment to actually shine. Let's face it, this isn't a show that's either aspirational or life affirming but there was something rather satisfying in seeing Billy getting his moment with the Olympic torch while Lola was giving birth in Fatboy's place of work. Elsewhere, trying to make a mystery out of Kat's latest bout of infidelity seems tedious when we could be seeing more of the Shirley/Jean friendship that came out of nowhere or more on Janine/Michael struggling with parenthood or even more on Joey vs. Derek or even more on Cora, who has become an increasingly interesting character to watch.
Emmerdale: Memo to the producers - knock it off with the pregnancies already! One is enough but three of them with Debbie, Gennie and now Rachel after a one night stand with Jai was not something the show particularly needed at this point. Actually, it's been another reasonably dull month though. Ashley and Zak's problems aside, the arrival of Amy's vile mother hasn't done much to make this an interesting month.
Hollyoaks: An excellent month - Lynsey being murdered really kicked this show in the right direction and while Texas isn't as strong in the role that Lynsey was in a few month ago, it's nice to see that the return of Silas has improved things greatly, especially with the promise that he might come back for more. I'm thinking that Browning fella who seems too fixated on Mercedes might have bumped off Lynsey but Will being involved in the storyline was a little surprising. As for the sixth former, they're still a weak point but I did like George and Esther's week in London and the whole storyline involving Carmel trying to deal with her injuries has been a good one.
Coronation Street: I have to hand it to Phil Collinson. He really managed to come up with an affair even less convincing and compelling that Kevin/Molly with Sunita/Karl and the fallout of this tryst has been oddly amusing to watch. It's amazing how much of a bitch that Sunita has been reduced to as a character but perhaps I would feel far worse for Dev and Stella if I actually their characters, which I really don't. Elsewhere, Ryan returned in a fitter body with a complete character transplant, Izzy miscarried, Roy and Mary became chess partners, there was a pointlessly brief rivalry between Steve and Lloyd, Leanne got Simon as Carla and Peter left, Rob came to take over the factory and Kirsty struck out at Tyrone again. At least her storyline managed to be interesting, the rest not as much.
EastEnders: Even if you're a perpetual loser in life (otherwise known as the Billy Mitchell syndrome), every now and then, you might get a moment to actually shine. Let's face it, this isn't a show that's either aspirational or life affirming but there was something rather satisfying in seeing Billy getting his moment with the Olympic torch while Lola was giving birth in Fatboy's place of work. Elsewhere, trying to make a mystery out of Kat's latest bout of infidelity seems tedious when we could be seeing more of the Shirley/Jean friendship that came out of nowhere or more on Janine/Michael struggling with parenthood or even more on Joey vs. Derek or even more on Cora, who has become an increasingly interesting character to watch.
Emmerdale: Memo to the producers - knock it off with the pregnancies already! One is enough but three of them with Debbie, Gennie and now Rachel after a one night stand with Jai was not something the show particularly needed at this point. Actually, it's been another reasonably dull month though. Ashley and Zak's problems aside, the arrival of Amy's vile mother hasn't done much to make this an interesting month.
Hollyoaks: An excellent month - Lynsey being murdered really kicked this show in the right direction and while Texas isn't as strong in the role that Lynsey was in a few month ago, it's nice to see that the return of Silas has improved things greatly, especially with the promise that he might come back for more. I'm thinking that Browning fella who seems too fixated on Mercedes might have bumped off Lynsey but Will being involved in the storyline was a little surprising. As for the sixth former, they're still a weak point but I did like George and Esther's week in London and the whole storyline involving Carmel trying to deal with her injuries has been a good one.