Okay, if you haven't see the Glee episode, Michael, back away now cos there are spoilers and a debate on the show's increasing double standards on bullying and violence.
So in three seasons we've been used to seeing Sue assault people left, right and centre, the Glee kids themselves being repeatedly threatened with violence, subjected to it and actually hurting each other but this episode where Sebastian hit Blaine with a rock salt slushie intended for Kurt kind has broken the straw for me - this show needs to man up and take a stance on violence and bullying. When I say man up, I mean there needs to be some actual repercussions for the characters who react violently towards others. Sebastian crossed the same line as Sue has done often before and it's time this show made an example - as in have Sebastian actually pay for his actions because this episode (excellent as it was) spectacularly mishandled the entire situation big time.
Not only did Sebastian show zero remorse for actually hurting Blaine but he practically gloated upon admitting it to Santana (after their Smooth Criminal face off) before giving her a slushie facial as well, only this time without the rock salt. At least Santana and Artie had the sense to team up and get a taped confession off Sebastian and they were the only ones actually having the most appropriate responses to Sebastian's actions - even Kurt's passivity felt off in this one. Unfortunately, this is where the show really dropped the ball.
The McKinley kids had the perfect evidence to actually bring Sebastian down and punish him for what he did to Blaine and they did what exactly - give Sebastian the flipping tape because apparently beating the Warblers at Regionals would be a better punishment for him instead. How is that remotely logical? There's a time and a place to turn the other cheek, be the better person but this most definitely was not it. After making some narrative mistakes with Santana's coming out story in I Kissed A Girl, the show needs to take a firmer position on the likes of bullying and violence and follow through with because what I saw here was a show taking a rather irresponsible and unrealistic stance towards the very things it's main characters are supposed to stand against. Ultimately, it's time for a change and Sebastian needs to pay and seeing as he's due to appear in more episodes, I'd say retribution is needed.
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